miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2009

The Day the Earth stood still Parte 1 -Curso: 3ro

FROM THE PART ONE OF “THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL” (1951), ANSWER: (do not forget to use a dictionary if you need it)
1. What speed the flying saucer was traveling at:
a) 400 miles an hour
b) 4,000 miles an hour
c) 4,000 kilometers an hour
2. What country did the first radio speaker belong to?
3. The spaceship landed in United States… but in what city?
a) New York
b) Washington
c) Chicago
4. How many world radios informed about the coming of the spaceship?
5. What season is it:
a) Spring
b) Summer
c) Winter
6. What was shouting the an running in the street?
7. How many black women were among the crowd watching the saucer?
8. When the saucer landed, a military officer calls
a) The President of United States
b) The Chief of Staff
c) The Secretary of Defense
9. What was the name of the reporter who was wearing a hat:?
a) Dough Pearson
b) Drew Pearson
c) Don Pearson
10. What happened two hours after the spaceship landed?
a) A ramp came out from the spaceship
b) The spaceship made a strange noise
c) The spaceship started to glow
11. What were the first words the alien said when he came out from his spaceship?

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